Hi guys! I just got a boonie on moviestarplanet a few days ago! Her name is Bubblegum.


  Isn’s she adorable! I will tell you how to take care of boonies in this post!

For starters you need 900 starcoins to get a boonie. When you do you one you will get a egg in your furniture at your room. Put it in your room. If you wait a few seconds and click the egg a boonie will pop out! If you click it again you will probely see something like this

boonie 2     But will your boonie and boonies name. As you can see you need to buy the boonies food. But to play with it click the soccerball tab and click the soccer ball intill it touches the floor. To wash your boonie all you need to do is click the sponge tab and move the sponge around on your boonie.

                         Thats it! See, taking care of boonies is a breeze!